Posted by: ableanna | March 11, 2009

I do not want to go to there

(I got the idea for this list off of Mighty Girl, who had been inspired by this person’s list.)

What irrational thoughts does your brain have? Here are some things I sometimes imagine against my will:

  • Twin Peaks character Bob behind me when I am splashing my face in the sink and am just about to look into the mirror
  • The implant in my eye suddenly comes loose and pops! slicing open my eye and I have to pull it out
  • Subway lunatic taking a hammer to my head
  • Maggots in my food and crawling into my soul. FOREVER.
  • How badly my body will burn up in the atmosphere if I fall from outer space
  • Sea monster’s suction-cupped octo-leg drags me into the murky depths
  • Finding something/someone dead
  • Rubber arms

Don’t even get me started on the horrible thoughts and fears I have when it comes to my child.


  1. In the “Don’t even get me started on the horrible thoughts and fears I have when it comes to my child” department..Since having a second child, I often have a “Sophie’s Choice” moment and it is really really horrible.

    Yours are much funnier than mine!

  2. Rubber arms? Really?

  3. Hey Buttercup, I also had the fear of finding someone dead… then my dad died in my arms. I cradled his head, stroked his hair told him it was okay to go while watching him take his last breath. It was a disturbingly beautiful moment. I haven’t been afraid since…

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