Posted by: ableanna | March 3, 2009

First step: admitting you have a problem

The other night I was watching that show Intervention on A& E about Gambling Addicts and it prompted me to deactivate my Facebook account. RIGHT BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY.

I thought I would share a few things that have happened to me in my recovery:

– I can fall asleep without wondering if Betty in Sacramento will feel better tomorrow;

– I no longer feel anxious about whether my joke fell flat when I commented on someone’s status update/recent photo

– Analysis over WHY anyone would EVER post 14 photo albums of mostly self-portraits is a distant memory, not a constant bone of contention

– Referencing myself in the third person to myself is slowly dwindling (but has yet to disappear i.e. “Annabelle no longer has a status to update” occurs frequently)

– I reply to my emails (a rather rudimentary form of communication, I know)

– I organized all my bookmarks

– I have sooooo many blog posts ready

– I renewed my learners permit, found a job, got E on a waiting list for childcare, started doing yoga in the morning, quit my morning coffee and sleep well at night

Feel like quitting Facebook? Here are seven steps to help you out.




  1. But Annabelle, I LOVED your facebook!

    I followed your link, seven steps to help me out, and somehow the Internet usage quiz told me I have merely “a few bad habits.” That simply can’t be true. Clearly the problem is deeply rooted if I can manipulate a computer-generated diagnostic quiz into telling me it’s not so bad. Interestingly, I find facebook terribly boring much of the time. Shouldn’t you be abandoning gofugyourself and and putting time limits on flickr instead? Are you sure this isn’t a band-aid solution? (Selfish dissent to get Annabelle back on facebook…)

    Hilarious passive aggressive facebook profile btw.

  2. I agree it is boring, so why was I always checking it? Ugh. Why don’t you start up your blog again? Hm? WHY NOT? Might be the better question.

  3. […] of the week As I mentioned before I recently quit Facebook. Despite feeling somewhat crippled in my social life, I am really […]

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